Simple Tips For DIY Paint Projects

Interior painting is probably the simplest do it yourself project of all. The key to tackling a paint project to is to be well prepared and have a strong amount of patience. While professional can paint a room quickly and neatly in order for a non-skilled painter it will take a bit more time and even more attention to details.


With this in mind, it is still a very simple task with the right planning and proper tools. So to lighten up, change or improve your bedroom, living room, hallway or dining room these are the things you should have to make the job go a lot smoother.

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Protect the Carpet

The last thing anyone wants when painting an already finished room is to spill paint on the floor. This is even more disastrous is the floor is carpeted. If this were to happen it leaves an almost impossible mess to clean up and we would hate to go from a paint DIY to a replacing carpet DIY. An easy prevention method is to use a carpet protection film over your carpet to deter any paint splashed from landing on your floor. This film is easy to lay down and while it does add a little time to the project it’s well worth it to make sure you don’t add a new colour to your carpet.


Painter Tape

This masking tape typically comes in a green or blue colour to depict that is for painting. The reason why this tape is used is that it’s adhesive won’t pull the existing paint off the walls and ruin your both the former paint or the new layer. It’s designed to slide on and off easily making cutting near door and window frames, trim and door handles a much easier job. It’s easy to apply and makes a tight seal against the wall as to not allow paint to seep under. It’s very thin which is a designed to make sure there is no build up of paint against its edge causing a crease or line on the wall once the tape is removed.


Proper Roller

Just like paintbrushes, paint rollers come in different sizes and it’s important to use the correct one for the job. A larger roller is used when applying paint to large unobstructed walls. This allows for a smooth rhythm that can get the evenest coat of paint on. When working with a closet or tighter spaces it is better to downsize to a smaller roller.